Issue 19

Towards a Comparative Montage of the Female Portrait. The Theatre of the Body: Fictional Tears and Real Tears.

Gonzalo de Lucas Abril
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Published 2015-01-01


  • Actress,
  • modern cinema,
  • filmic portrait,
  • images of tears,
  • iconic portrait,
  • indicial signs.
  • ...More


This article explores the female portrait and the filming and performance of weeping. Taking as a starting point the distinction between fictional tears and real tears, the article proposes a study of filmic forms. The first part of this essay offers an analysis of the work of two filmmakers of the classical period (D. W. Griffith and Josef von Sternberg) in whose films the face of the Hollywood actress is presented as an iconic image. In the second part, the text examines the work of different European and American filmmakers (Nicholas Ray, Roberto Rossellini, John Cassavetes, Rainer Werner Fassbinder) in whose portrait of female faces tears are indicial signs of reality and the effects of time.


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