
We announce a call for papers for the section Vanishing Points for issues 24 and 25, which are to be published in July, 2017 and January, 2018, respectively. These issues will be published online.

The deadline for the reception of proposals has been extended to February, 28th 2017.

L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos accepts original and unpublished manuscripts about both film theory and practice. The articles will preferably be innovative and groundbreaking in both topic and methodology.

Some matters to be considered:

  • Only unpublished work will be accepted, and it must also follow the journal’s style guidelines and fit the standards and rigour expected from an academic journal.
  • The originality of the topic will be valued, especially if it has already been covered in previous volumes of the journal. The repetition of subjects and themes may be a reason to dismiss a manuscript. The contents of previous issues can be consulted in our webpage.
  • The Executive Editorial Board will submit the articles to a process of external peer-evaluation, which will respect both the authors’ and evaluators’ anonymity (peer review system) in order to prevent potential bias. If the number of proposals received is too high, the Executive Editorial Board will first select the articles that will then be peer-reviewed, dismissing those considered as less adequate. If the initial conditions of originality and style are not fulfilled, the essay will be dismissed without a prior external consultation.
  • The acceptance of a manuscript will be communicated to the author within the following six months.
  • The manuscripts (whose length must be between 5000 and 7000 words) must be sent through the journal webpage (OJS), saved only in Rich Text Format (.rtf) and using the provided text template. The author’s statement (.pdf) and the images (.psd, .png, .jpg, .tiff) must be attached as complementary files. The detailed submissions guidelines and process can be found in our webpage. Those manuscripts which do not comply with these rules will be dismissed.
  • If it is decided that the manuscript is to be published in a bilingual issue, the author will provide the translation and cover the costs derived from proofreading (in some cases, such as students and unemployed scholars who prove their situation, this cost will be zero).
  • L’Atalante does not offer any compensation for the published articles.

For further information, please contact