Issue 35
Vanishing Points

From unfaithful adaptation to transmedia expansion: Notes for a debate about cinematographic (per)versions

Fran Mateu
Universidad Miguel Hernández

Published 2023-01-01


  • Adaptation,
  • Transmedia Storytelling,
  • Literature,
  • Cinema,
  • Tintin,
  • Ready Player One.
  • ...More


Film adaptation is conceived of as an intersemiotic translation in which there is an interpretation between signs of different semiotic systems. This process gives rise to different points of view on whether an adaptation can expand or compress the story it adapts, or whether it should be faithful to its source. If a film adaptation omits certain characters in a novel, panels in a comic strip or levels of a video game, could it really be called an adaptation of that work? If new situations or characters are also added in the adapted work, could it still be described as an adaptation? Considering these questions, this article examines some of the main ideas about film adaptation and its relationship with transmedia storytelling, which is associated with the notion of ​​expanding the story. The differences between the two processes, although obvious, are also often obscured by a certain porosity of borders, giving rise to constant debate. This study adopts a methodology of historical-bibliographic review with a theoretical framework based on the perspectives of different authors, in addition to a brief consideration of the mainstream cases of Tintin and Ready Player One.


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