Número 28
Vanishing Points

To fall or to float: A cinematographic history of a paradigm shift in stability and the disappearance of the ground

Lola Martínez
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Published 2019-07-31


  • Frame,
  • aviation,
  • satellite,
  • drone,
  • fall,
  • Icarus,
  • stability,
  • ground.
  • ...More


Some thinkers consider that the beginning of the s. XXI is marked by instability as a new paradigm and therefore a false promise of security as a result. Through the progressive evolution of aerial images, a discourse is articulated on how the convention of stable soil has progressively been destroyed, and consequently the need for a reinterpretation of the body-gravity relation; through which it is possible to distill the construction of the contemporary subject — in free fall — and the instrumentalization of this paradigm of instability.


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