Issue 26
Vanishing Points

Ways Out of the Factory: Readings of a Filmic Metaphor

José María de Luelmo Jareño
Universitat Politècnica de València

Published 2018-07-01


  • Lumière,
  • Farocki,
  • Torres Leiva,
  • Dudow,
  • Straub-Huillet,
  • Tscherkassky,
  • Factory,
  • Work,
  • Time.
  • ...More


Given its simplicity and its purely demonstrative intention, it is surprising that the first film ever shown in public, La Sortie de l’usine Lumière à Lyon (1895), has given rise to a recurring motif in cinema that runs parallel to a certain reluctance on the part of the medium to represent factory life. In addition to the samples of this particular endogenre compiled and assembled by the German director Harun Farocki in 1995, this article presents others that were left out of Farocki’s compilation or that appeared later and which, through their extension of the semantic range of the motif, allow a better understanding of the reasons for its recurrent use. The filming of the working masses, the exceptional nature of the work space and the qualities of industrial time are some of the questions that this study draws from this corpus and develops from a perspective related to metaphorology.


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