Issue 17
Vanishing Points

Seeing is believing: notes on the documentary effect

Imanol Zumalde
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Santos Zunzunegui
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Published 2014-01-01


  • Document,
  • documentary,
  • truth effect,
  • making seem.


There is a category of texts, conventionally called documentaries, which aim their main weapons at the creation of a kind of truth effect (what in structural semiotics is called referential illusion), which depends to a large extent on a whole range of strategies aimed at making what is expressed seem true. In other words, the forms of the text determine its plausibility. This essay reflects on this question and outlines a taxonomy for the documentary’s calligraphic effects, with reference to some illustrative cases.


DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges (2004). Imágenes pese a todo. Memoria visual del holocausto. Barcelona: Paidós.

ECO, Umberto (1977). Tratado de semiótica general. Barcelona: Lumen.

JOYARD, Oliver (2001). 11 Septembre, image zero. Cahiers du cinéma, 561, 45.

LEFÈVRE, Didier; GUIBERT, Emmanuel & LEMERCIER, Frédéric (2003). Le photographe. Paris: Editions Dupuis. [Edición en castellano: (2011) El fotógrafo. Madrid: Ediciones Sins Entido.]

LINDEPERG, Sylvie (2013). La voie des images. Quatre histories de tournages au printemps-été 1944. Paris: Verdier.

SACCO, Joe (2009). Footnotes in Gaza. New York: Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company. [Edición en castellano: (2010) Notas al pie de Gaza. Bilbao:Astiberri Ediciones.]

ZUNZUNEGUI, Santos (2005). Las cosas de la vida. Lecciones de semiótica estructural. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.