Issue 8
Vanishing Points

Riis, Capa, Rosenthal. Cinematographic Translations of Photography.

Rebeca Romero Escrivá
Universitat de València

Published 2009-07-01


  • ethic of images,
  • fixing in memory,
  • war photography,
  • documentary photography,
  • image migration,
  • propaganda,
  • graphic report
  • ...More


This text is based on the supposition that there is relation, fluid and fecund in both directions, between photography and cinema. This idea is illustrated with the study of the influence of the photography of Jacob Riis on Gangs of New York, Robert Capa on Saving Private Ryan and Joe Rosenthal on Flags of Our Fathers. The concept articulating this essay is the translation of images in historical contexts that are especially meaningful from a visual point of view. Cinema has amplified the value of these images as elements that fix in the collective memory over that of the depicted events.


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