Issue 8

Gangs of New York. Blood is Boiling in the Streets.

Luis Pérez Ochando
Universitat de València

Published 2009-07-01


  • history and cinema,
  • draft riots,
  • popular shows,
  • melodrama,
  • gangster films,
  • violence,
  • foundational myth
  • ...More


In Gangs of New York (2002), Martin Scorsese proposes a revision of the foundational history of America. Thus, starting from a mythic register, Scorsese will gradually insert the voice of History in his narrative. Whereas the first two sections address the mythic elements in the film, the next one focuses on the recurrence of genre elements and on the use of popular texts as an indirect way to insert History. Lastly, there is an analysis of the direct mechanisms through which History is inserted in the narrative.


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