Issue 13
Vanishing Points

The Remains of the Day: The Decay of an Aristocratic Class

Lluís Roy Gallart

Published 2012-01-01


  • aristocracy,
  • service,
  • prevalence of appearances,
  • traditional values,
  • dignity,
  • flashback
  • ...More


The Remains of the Day pictures the changes undergone by the relationship between servants and aristocrats during the Twentieth Century. Situated in the turbulent interwar period, The Remains of the Day presents a moment of change in the new ruling class, where the aristocracy connected to the British nobility loses importance in favour of the parvenus of the time. This article describes the mindset of the social classes as they appear in the original novel and its corresponding film adaptation. Mr. Stevens, an English butler educated in the traditional values of his profession, stands as a representative of the service of his time, very respectful to his superiors. Mr. Stevens will find himself in a situation in which he will have to give up defending his own ideas because of the deep regard he feels for his master.


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