Issue 9

On non-fiction.

Margarita Ledo Andión
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Published 2010-01-01


  • non-fiction,
  • realism,
  • cinema on the real,
  • author-spectator,
  • Winterbottom,
  • Duras
  • ...More


Beyond specific non-fictional narrative structures on fiction, the relationship between personal experiences and the way of shaping the intensity the real brings through a film is raised on the fictional field through different authors —because of the genre, period and cinematic background— such as Winterbottom and Marguerite Duras. Although this relationship takes the devices of a film genre for certain documentaries and documentary-like films that take the spectator to hidden territories, when the autobiographical signs are set up as organizing core, intertwining fiction and non-fiction may be the way to convey the wish of a certain future with pre-existing materials, either filming the work or reconstructing a non-place like Guantanamo.


AMENGUAL, Barthélemy.1997. Du réalisme au cinéma. Natham. París.

BADIOU, Alain. 2005. El siglo. Manantial. Buenos Aires.

DURAS, Marguerite. 1971. L’Amour. Gallimard. Paris.

—2008. Cuadernos de Guerra. Siruela. Madrid.

MONDZAIN, Marie José. 2002. Voir Ensemble. Gallimard. París.

ŽIŽEK, Slavoj. 2006. Lacrimae rerum. Debate. Madrid.