Issue 10
Vanishing Points

Excalibur: the Backbone of the Myth.

Agustín Quinzá Niño
Universitat de València

Published 2010-07-01


  • sword,
  • arthurian cycle,
  • armour,
  • Celtic legends,
  • cinema and the Middle Ages,
  • myth,
  • epic poetry
  • ...More


This article analyzes the interpretation of the underlying myth of the arthurian cycle that is presented in the film Excalibur (John Boorman, 1981). In order to better understand what is going on, we will break down the cinematographic representation of the various characters and stages that are found in the arthurian cycle, paying special attention to the formal aspects (music, wardrobe, etc.) and narratives, as well as an explanation of the mythic elements that are encountered.


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GARCÍA GUAL, Carlos. 2003. Historia del rey Arturo y de sus nobles y errantes caballeros de la Tabla Redonda. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.

CUÉLLAR, Carlos A. 2006. El Prerrafaelismo y su influencia en la creación contemporánea. Diputación de Valencia. Valencia.

SANMATEU MARTÍNEZ, M.C. 2001. Guía para ver y analizar Excalibur. Nau Llibres. Valencia.