Número 35

Choose Your Adventure: Immersive Audiences. <i>Black Mirror: Bandersnatch</i>

Marta Lopera-Mármol
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Ivan Pintor
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Manel Jiménez-Morales
Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Publicades 2023-01-01

Paraules clau

  • Black Mirror,
  • Bandersnatch Interactive,
  • Movie,
  • Videogame,
  • Immersive,
  • TV Series,
  • and Audiences.
  • ...Més


In 2019, Netflix, with an intent to seek alternatives to survive, jump on the big data trend and satisfy new audiences, released a hyper-narrative interactive film Black Mirror: Bandersnatch based on non-linear stories and a web of decisions, following a “choose your adventure” literature structure with a solid nostalgic tone characteristic of its raison d’être and postmodern TV series. The film proves that free will is actually unattainable and that choices are already given to us in a Foucaultian panoptical manner (Foucault, 2012). Hence, immersive audiences are not as involved in the narrative as it could be perceived at first glance but are instead used as an element of big data and market segmentation. Nonetheless, Bandersnatch explores and becomes a breakthrough as another form of perceiving and conceptualizing television and the film spectrum. Beyond its thematic video game approach, the interactive film acts like one. It is a blend between a video game and a film. In conclusion, the experimental film does not hold onto a center with its narrative structure since it moves away from time and space but instead emphasizes the decentralized structure with its interactive setup that wants to become more than a viewing experience for audiences.



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